Friday, January 22, 2010

Reflection on Blogging

Well, for this whole week, we have been learning on the correct usage of blogging. The most important thing I have learn is to not to post comments that will hurt others. I have also done on an article about a boy, just because of his ignorance and thought only his close friends could read his blog, he posted a very bad comment on other race. This comment just got circulated in the internet and he was caught and brought back to police station for interrogation. From this article, I not only learn that how hurting can be a comment to other people, but also the very harsh consequences if you do that on purpose. I hope this would let everyone know that be very careful when you post any comment, it may seem nothing to you, but it could others very deeply. Just put yourself into that person's shoes, if someone also post something that hurt you deeply too, how would you feel? So please think of other people's feeling first before you post any comments.

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