Sunday, June 26, 2011

Same-sex marriage

Singapore government would not allow same-sex marriage even in the future. It would cause more health issues, further decrease birth rate and reduce harm on children psychologically and physically .

Same-sex marriage will cause some health issues, especially psychologically. From this quote, we can see the effects on same-sex marriage. "In 2010, a Mailman School of Public Health study examining the effects of institutional discrimination on the psychiatric health of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) individuals found an increase in psychiatric disorders, including a more than doubling of anxiety disorders, among the LGB population living in states that instituted bans on same-sex marriage. According to the author the study highlighted the importance of abolishing institutional forms of discrimination, including those leading to disparities in the mental health and well-being of LGB individuals. Institutional discrimination is characterized by societal-level conditions that limit the opportunities and access to resources by socially disadvantaged groups." Therefore, same-sex marriage will be bad for health in the long term run, thus, government would not want to risk their citizen in such a state.

Same-sex marriage will also decrease our birth rate tremendously. In 2008 now, our fertility has already dropped to 1.28, which is far lower than replacement level. Since people is the only resource Singapore has, if the government encourages same-sex marriages, there would be much less babies given birth, which would lead to Singapore losing in economy. There will be less talents spotted in Singapore and Singapore would need to spent money if the government would to attract foreign talents. Furthermore, with less people in the population, there would be less young, able bodied young men to protect the country from danger and it would also lose assurance to the Multi-National Corporation, thus, they will not dare to set up companies in Singapore. Singapore would then suffer badly in economy. Thus, Singapore government would not allow same-sex marriages to ruin the entire economy of Singapore.

Not allowing same-sex marriage will help reduce the upset of child mentality and actions towards homosexuality." Research clearly demonstrates that family structure matters for children, and the family structure that helps the most is a family headed by two biological parents in a low-conflict marriage.” While gay marriage would encourage adoption of children by homosexual couples, which may be preferable to foster care, some lesbian couples want to have children through anonymous sperm donations, which means some children will be created purposely without knowledge of one of their biological parents.

has also shown that children raised by homosexuals were more dissatisfied with their own gender, suffer a greater rate of molestation within the family, and have homosexual experiences more often.Gay marriage will also encourage teens who are unsure of their sexuality to embrace a lifestyle that suffers high rates of suicide, depression, HIV, drug abuse, STDs, and other pathogens. This is particularly alarming because, according to a 1991 scientific survey among 12-year-old boys, more than 25 percent feel uncertain about their sexual orientations. We have already seen that lesbianism is “chic” in certain elite social sectors. Therefore, for the well being of a child, Singapore government would ban same-sex marriages as it affects the entire country socially when children in Singapore are "weird" naturally due to their parents.

Thus, same-sex marriages have many negative impacts on society and the country. It also harm young children badly. In conclusion, same-sex marriage will not be allowed in Singapore by the government.


  1. Class comments:
    Not Logical, Logic is important!
    Some grammatical errors (Suggest to read out loud)
    Factual error in birth rate
    Stick to Birth Rate would be better, don't shift into economic
    Source Evaluation is important (Paragraph 4)
    Research must be documented and shown where it is from
    Time frame also matter (20 years)
    Must link back to topic/Addressing on topic (Government)

  2. Gah! Where did my comments go?

    Looks like I'll need to reproduce them.
