Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Urbanisation Arrives in Thul

Urbanisation has arrived in the fishing village in india. The government in India wanted to build a factory in Thul but the villagers main source of income are fishing and agriculture as they have not worked in factories before. The youngsters were jumping with joy over this information received as they were finally able to get jobs to earn money to support themselves and their family. The elderly people in Thul are totally against this proposal. These factories built will release toxic waste into the sea causing the water to be polluted and causing the population of fishes to decrease drastically, thus affecting most of the villagers who depend on fishing as a livelihood as the number and quality of the fishes they get will be affected significantly.This will also cause spread of diseases as the fishes consume toxic content and the villagers will be sriously ill after comsuming them.There are also air polution which will also affect the villages' health as toxic gases are release from the factories.

Monday, April 12, 2010

PIctures of Lila's reaction in different situations


When Pinto is poisoned, Lila was very worried but when Pinto died, she was very sad and she cried as they were the closest together in the family.

When the medicine man came to help her mother, she is relieved that her mother finaaly received some treatment and maybe he could her mother to recover better.

Chapati, Jalebi, Roti Prata and You Tiao

Preparation of Chapati:
3 cups of fine wholemeal flour/roti flour
1 1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of oil (optional)
1 cup of Lukewarm water

Recipe of Chapati:

Put flour in mixing bowl, reserving about half cup for rolling chapatis.

Mix salt through the flour in the bowl, then rub in ghee or oil, if used.

Add water all at once and mix to a firm but not stiff dough.

Knead dough for at least 10 minutes (the more it is kneaded, the lighter the bread will be).

Form dough into a ball, cover with clear plastic wrap and stand for 1 hour or longer (if left overnight, the chapatis will be very light and tender).

Shape dough into balls about the size of a large walnut.

Roll out each one on a lightly floured board (using reserved flour) to a circular shape as thin as a French crepe.

After rolling out chapatis, heat a griddle plate or heavy-based frying pan until very hot, and cook the chapatis, starting with those that were rolled first.

Put chapati on griddle and leave for about 1 minute.

Turn and cook other side a further minute, pressing lightly around the edges of the chapati with a folded tea towel or an egg slice.

This encourages bubble to form and make the chapatis light.

As each one is cooked, wrap in a clean tea towel until all are read.

Serve immediately with butter, dry curries or vegetable dishes.

Preparation of Jalebi:
2 cups of maida flour
4 teaspoon of rice flour
1/4 teaspoon of baking powder
4 teaspoon of curd
1 1/4 cup of warm water
1/2 teaspoon of saffron threads
3 cups of sugar
2 cups of water
1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder
4 teaspoon of rose water
Vegetable oil for frying

Recipe of Jalebi:
•Mix the flour, semolina or rice flour, baking powder, curd and 3/4th cup of the water in a bowl (preferably a ceramic bowl). Mix well with a whisk.
•Mix well and then add remaining water and 1/8th tsp. of saffron powder, and whisk until smooth.
•Set aside for about 2 hours to ferment.
•Whisk thoroughly before use.
•Prepare string syrup by dissolving sugar in the water. Just before the syrup is ready add saffron and cardamom powder.
•Heat oil in a kadhai. Pour the batter in a steady stream (or coconut shell with a hole) into the kadhai to form coils. Make a few at a time.
•Deep fry them until they are golden and crisp all over but not brown.
•Remove from the kadhai and drain on kitchen paper and immerse in the syrup.
•Leave for at least 4-5 minutes so that they soak the syrup.then take them out.

Difference between Chapati and Roti Prata:
The chapathi is made from whole meal grain and it is the staple food of some countries in Asia while the Roti Prata originates from India and it can be eaten all day long gyowever it is mainly eaten in the morning or for supper late at night .

Difference between Jalebi and You Tiao:
Jalebi is a dipped fried pretzel shaped dessert that is soaked in syrup and it has a chewy texture. IT has originated from the Middle East and North Africa. The You Tiao which is used with soy milk or congee mainly eaten for breakfast.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lila's Journal

Father is drinking again, coming back scraming and shouting as usual. I led all my sisters into the room. As always, mum will ask him stop to drink and get a job, only thing he does is to shout at mum and hit her up, how poor thing and futhermore, mum is getting sicker as every single day past. Luckily, Hari is growing up, not like a small boy anymore. He knows he need to find a job and earn money in order for everyone to survive. As he is one year younger than me, I would not expect him to work as a man and earn big money but at least he really know that our family is struggling very hard to live on. He is trying very hard to get an opportunity to go to Bombay, the city, to find a job to support the family. And I am left alone now, how should I cope with the family? Just go through each day as it is> Or should I look for a job and support family too? I am totally lost, what should I do?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Reflection on Literature test

I am totally dead for my Literature test; I did not study very hard for it and did not practise at all. Although I know the method to write the Literature test, I am just very worried that my grade will drop. My grade is already a B4, worse of all, is a very low B4, if I do not do well, I will drop from B4 to a C5 and my whole MSG will be done for. Isn't Literature test for us sec 1s a bit too challenging? I mean, we have not been exposed to Literature test from our primary school life and just test us immediately. I am not trying to whine or so, but will it be a bit unfair to us? Since this already happened, what I can do now, is to work harder for the Literature test in week 9, and improve from this test. I have not get back my Literature test yet but I will definitely look through what I have got wrong in the process and seek clarification from my LA teacher. After all the questioning, I will keep on practice till I am very good in Literature so I could get a MSG that is below 2.