Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Urbanisation Arrives in Thul

Urbanisation has arrived in the fishing village in india. The government in India wanted to build a factory in Thul but the villagers main source of income are fishing and agriculture as they have not worked in factories before. The youngsters were jumping with joy over this information received as they were finally able to get jobs to earn money to support themselves and their family. The elderly people in Thul are totally against this proposal. These factories built will release toxic waste into the sea causing the water to be polluted and causing the population of fishes to decrease drastically, thus affecting most of the villagers who depend on fishing as a livelihood as the number and quality of the fishes they get will be affected significantly.This will also cause spread of diseases as the fishes consume toxic content and the villagers will be sriously ill after comsuming them.There are also air polution which will also affect the villages' health as toxic gases are release from the factories.


  1. This is a very neat summary of the potential changes with urbanisation. As with every change, there are pros and cons. Urbanisation will bring wealth to the village but it will destroy the village's natural life. Is it worth it?

  2. I agree with Wei Jun that this is a very neat summary of Urbanisation in Thul. Though it is true that Urbanisation is necessary for the future. Is it worth it to destroy the Marine ecosystem existing in the area and creating more poverty? I think the government is just doing this for the sake of the growth of their economy, in which they might as well do trade with others. Why do they choose to do this?
