Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lila's Journal

Father is drinking again, coming back scraming and shouting as usual. I led all my sisters into the room. As always, mum will ask him stop to drink and get a job, only thing he does is to shout at mum and hit her up, how poor thing and futhermore, mum is getting sicker as every single day past. Luckily, Hari is growing up, not like a small boy anymore. He knows he need to find a job and earn money in order for everyone to survive. As he is one year younger than me, I would not expect him to work as a man and earn big money but at least he really know that our family is struggling very hard to live on. He is trying very hard to get an opportunity to go to Bombay, the city, to find a job to support the family. And I am left alone now, how should I cope with the family? Just go through each day as it is> Or should I look for a job and support family too? I am totally lost, what should I do?


  1. Overall, I think that this is a rather good reflection on Lila's thoughts. However, you write the journal entry in broken English. The book was not written in broken English, but you wrote it in broken English. Alos, you said that Hari was waiting for an opportunity to go to Bombay. But in the next sentence, it implies that he was already there.

  2. I think that is post shows some desperation in Lila when Hari went to Bombay to work. Like what Chuan Xin mentioned, the third last sentence does not make sense. Hari was plannig to go to Bombay, but the next sentence implies that Lila is left alone as he was in Bombay.
    I belive Yu Hao has written the post in broken English because he wanted to show that Lila was not well educated as she had dropped out of school. However, Chuan Xin has seen this post in a different way. Therefore Yu Hao's post could mean two different things when he wrote in broken English.
