Monday, May 9, 2011

Battle of the bulge

It was really scary. The Germans are invading us like nobody's business! I am on cue with few of my badge mates. Suddenly, the commander came out and warn us that they are attacking NOW! My badge mates and I were freaking out, we have a few injured friends that need help to leave the miserable and cold jungle. While the commander loaded the gun, he was shot and died on the spot. That was the time when I dragged my friend up and told him that we needed to leave.

As we tried to dragged everyone to leave the jungle, the Germans are progressing well in attacking us. Their fires never stopped and had caused more of my friends to die as they tried to fight back so that we, including me, could have enough time to escape. It was a pathetic sight, many died in front of me as they tried to protect our leader as my friend and I was dragging my leader on. The price to pay was too big. Bombs and fires came concurrently which took away almost everyone's lives there.

After we successfully left the jungle, many of my badge mates had died. But I still keep my spirit high and convinced our leader that he will be able to survive through this attack and he needs to persevere on. In order to keep him alive and awake, I decided to provide him with water by injecting a needle to fill the water into his body. Luckily, there was one truck car that passed by which was under our military base, we requested him to send us back to our campsite.

After we reached our base, we carried our leader all the way into the barracks and told our commander that he is seriously injured but he seemed very helpless as he glanced towards all the injured ones from the German invasion. At that point of time, I realised that our leader was not the only that needed help and medication, many of them also need it. As I looked at my leader suffering in pain, it increased my hatred towards the Germans......

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