Tuesday, May 10, 2011

National Service

Yes, making NS mandatory develops Singaporean boys into men as it makes us take up roles of what a true man does. A true man upholds responsibility and courage in everything he does, just like boys taking NS. Boys taking NS will undergo many tough and suffering situations when many of the boys would not pull it through easily. This is when responsibility and courage steps in.

As the hardship increases, they would try to take on responsibility such as leading the group through tiredness, make sure everyone leaves together etc. so that no one would get punished. Being a man next time, you will also need to take up the responsibility to take care of your family members too. Courage is shown when sacrifice comes in, many would be scared of death and not wanting to risk their lives when they do dangerous stuffs such as shooting or killing "opponents" in the dense jungles. Those possessed courage would be the first to take the lead, then everyone else would follow. Many would be freaked out in the first try, but subsequently, when they get used to it, it would be them leading the smaller and younger ones next time.

Thus, NS could turn a boy into a man by instilling courage and responsibility in him and whatever he does.

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