Sunday, May 22, 2011


I feel that assassinating bin Laden before him even going for trial was not a justified one. Although he was a terrorist that bring a lot of harm to the global security, they must at least go through a trial before assassinating a person.

From Singapore's law, The plaintiff’s solicitors will open the plaintiff’s case (unless the burden of proof is on the defendant) by addressing the court and the plaintiff’s witnesses will take the stand first and be cross-examined. Each witness may be re-examined after his/her cross-examination has ended. After all the plaintiff’s witnesses have given evidence, the plaintiff’s case is closed. It is then the turn of the defendant’s witnesses to testify and be cross-examined and re-examined on their evidence. After the defendant’s witnesses have completed giving their testimony, parties will make closing submissions which may, depending on the Judge and complexity of the matter, be either oral or written. After a decision has been made and judgment delivered, the Registrar or the proper officer of the Court will enter in the minute book the judgment given by the Judge and any order made by the Judge as to costs.

Thus, it would be the fair judges that take the call if he is guilty and they would also be the one that decide how heavy the sentence is, therefore, it is not right to just assassinate bin Laden without a trial as it has violated the human rights law.

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