Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I think that there has been enough done to combat racism. Racism is something that could not be eliminated, so what we could do is only to minimize it by letting different races interact and understand each others' culture and live peacefully together. But there would be still a minority that would purposely "destroy" this peace between the different races by accusing the other races by stating some sensitive stuffs that would agitate its own race, resulting a misunderstanding and riots to occur.

In Singapore, racism was not that common as before Singapore Independence, leaders of Singapore already convinced the citizens that all of them are equal and there is no bias on any particular racial group. In addition, under the lead of Lee Kuan Yew, he assigned a racial harmony day for all races to get together and chat with each other, reminding one another that they have to be united in order to fight against other countries.

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