Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A News Story

Everyone should know that Japan has been through the earthquake and tsunamis recently, right? I have been very concerned on this situation as I like Japan a lot. The news had said that the food in Japan has been contaminated and spread across the entire globe. This is very concerning as the people in Japan could no longer eat their food nor drink their water, these 2 stuffs are the key essentials for a person to survive. The story had conveyed this message through a very sad and empathic way which made everyone very emotional affected. Thus, this could help bring Japan more donations as people will think that the people in Japan is seriously in a dying state. There are also pictures of the event which made people even more affected than before, convincing them that Japan is in a very bad condition. This entire news story has covered all the latest updates on Japan, including nuclear reactors, earthquake and tsunamis. Most importantly, the number of people died, missing and injured.

In conclusion, this news story has been one of those I feel that seriously get people emotinally affected from the words and the pictures.

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