Monday, April 25, 2011

Caffeine SEE paragraph

Caffeine has harmful effects on the body, no doubt. Although it can boost our concentration late at night, but it has many side effects coming along with it. Still remember when I was eleven years old, I had to, my very first time, stay up late at night doing my project work that had to be handed in two days later and I had not even started. I was rushing through the entire project, hoping to finish some of it as I would return home late tomorrow night. This is when my mum came in with a scent-smelling beverage, just as I wanted to ask her what it was, she asked me, "Try some of this, it may help you." After I had a sip, I felt refreshed and was totally awakened. She told what I drank was coffee and gave me the entire cup. I drank the whole cup of coffee and made a few more cups of it, thus, I managed to finish up some of my project work. Just as I wanted to sleep, I felt my stomach churning with pain, I immediately rushed to the toilet and had a diarrhea whole night. The next morning, I felt weak and miserable and had to go seek for doctor's help. The doctor told me that I had too much caffeine at one shot that caused many side effects such as headache and diarrhea to happen. After this incident, I find that caffeine materials are bad for my health and I do not dare to take them anymore after seeing how bad I could suffer from caffeine side effects such as diarrhea. Therefore, caffeine is bad for health as it does more harm than good.

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