Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Technology affects learning

Technology has made us more independent in learning. It make us research on our own about the topics we learn in school such as Math and Science. But it has been a detriment to me. This year, 2011, Secondary twos, including me, was introduced into future school, which made us learn more independently as we are suppose to know and gain knowledge on our own instead of the traditional way when we ask teachers questions we do not understand. In this way, it has made me used up most of my time researching on the stuff that I do not know when I could simply get an answer from a teacher of that particular subject such as Math and Science. Everytime I wanted to ask the teacher something, she would just say, "Research by yourself, you are in the future school now." I have heard that countless of time from different teachers. I mean, what is the point of having a teacher for the sake of having it? Teachers are supposed to guide us through and not let us drown if we could find gain the knowledge. Future school, indeed, can make us much more independently but we, Hwa Chong students, is already in a independent school, the school has now pushed us even further to introduce future school scheme. How on Earth could we survive through the four-years when we are already in a state of confusion of everything that we learn?

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