Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Road Not Taken (Personal thoughts)

I feel that this poem is about the choice we have to made in life. It is described as a journey that we would need to take after the choice of our decision. We would have to walk on with our decision and there will be no turning back. It seems that such a decision would be a crucial one in life such as education, marriage or even family, which needs crucial decision before heading down the journey. The journey would be like consequences faced after choosing the road that you wished to walk on. This poem is quite meaningful to me as it teaches me about the importance of thinking before choosing the right path to go. Both path may look the same but the consequences that we faced differs. It may be a journey to success with many hardship or one which has less hardship but leads you no where in life. Thus, this poem teaches me to consider how do I want to walk my life on.

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