Sunday, September 18, 2011

My ideal school

The ideal school that I want could have clean and beautiful environment as a background of the school, the students and teachers are also caring towards each other. Last but not least, the timetable come up by the school must have a balance between studies and relaxation.
An ideal school must have a clean and beautiful environment so that students feels like their at home. The land around the school is decorated with plants, flowers and trees and the concrete floors along the corridors should be rubbish and litter free. In the middle of the school, we could have a small “playground” with ponds and swings for students to take a rest from studying in school. An eco-garden could be set up so that students could learn how to conserve the greenery around them and preserve what they have now. With such beautiful environment, it helps to mitigate the stress level in school as they study. Therefore, a clean and beautiful and environment could aid a person in studying as the tense atmosphere is broken apart part the greenery.
An ideal school must also have caring teachers and students. Teachers that are caring will be well-liked by students and they would naturally obey and follow instructions of teachers. Teachers could have little talks with students that are outside of academic so that they develop some bonding in them. Teachers could also try to talk things out during misunderstandings and helped out those students that are troubled. Teachers should also reprimand students when they are wrong but explain to them why and what they are wrong at. With such caring teachers, students will be able to grow and learn in a wonderful environment. Students must also be caring towards each other so that friendship would be tightened among the school. Students can help each other when they need help, accept all different races of people and understand their culture, last but not least, students should not scold coarse language and hurt others’ feelings. In such a school with students of such character, this school will be peaceful and bonded. Therefore, a school with caring students and teachers would be best for students’ holistic development in academics and morality education.
Lastly, a balanced timetable between academics and relaxation is utmost important in my ideal school. The students are not forced so hard to excel in every subject by giving them tons and loads of test papers, but instead, identify their interest and pursue them. They are given more hands-on activities so that both theory and practical could be taught together which saves out a lot of time for them learning a particular topic. Relaxation could be in a form of sports, recess and CCA activities. Every week, school set aside 2 days for PE and 2 days for CCA activities and a recess as long as 40 mins. When a student goes through such a timetable, they would not find that school life is boring with just academics but also other aspects such as sports and fun. Thus, a balanced timetable is utmost importance for the student’s interest in coming to school.
In conclusion, an ideal school for me should consist of beautiful scenery for studying, teachers that are caring and nice and a balanced timetable for any activities.  

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