Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Online lesson 12

Step 2: The common theme here is whether judging appearance is so important than the true inside self of a person. Prince Morocco decided to choose the gold casket as he thought that only the gold is comparable to Portia's elegance and beauty which in turn failed to get the portrait of her. This gold casket's skull and scroll represents simply the cliched moral that one should not judge "a book by its cover", for inside the gold it could very well be a gross skull that belongs in the tomb. As for Arragon, he chose the silver casket and what he got was an idiot smiling at him and as for Bassanio, he decided to choose the lead casket and he got the portrait of Portia. In all, this casket proves that all that glitters is not gold.

Step 3: This is stupid man! So is this the answer or that is the one? Using the laws of physics, and by the law of it, both answers seem to be correct! How I am able to choose the correct answer? I have eliminated 2 of the answers and now, I am left the last 2. Let me work it out, 20 divided by 2 and then multiply by the velocity of 3m/s2.. Wait, both answers could also use that! Crap, this ain't getting anywhere, come on, what is the answer! Never mind, I shall skip and moved on to the next one. Great, the next one is even worse, all 4 could be the answer? What kind of test paper is this? Is there a model answer, I cannot proved that this concept is wrong when it is correct.. This is just great! Almost the whole paper is like this! How am I able to do this kind of paper, it is getting the heck out of me. This is bad, I am only left with 10 mins but I have 40 questions more...... This is just great!


  1. I would like to tackle my response at your third step. We were supposed to be doing something regarding using logical thinking to be solving a problem. However, in your step 3, you were using logical reasoning to skip questions instead of solving them. This did not answer the requirements of the question itself. You had to use logical reasoning to answer our dilemma or to solve your predicament. This response to step three is rather flawed. Maybe you would like to work on it.

  2. I feel that more should have been done to explain the true meaning behind the silver casket as well as the lead casket, and you could go further in-depth instead of scratching the surface for the gold casket which is only about "Inside of it might be a gross skull" and more. It should be more of how his character affects his decision, for example the Prince of Morocco believes looks is all it takes to get Portia, which is why he chose the gold casket. Also, I agree with Chuan Xin regarding your third step, as it does not "Solve the problem", rather it is "using logical reasoning to skip questions" which does not dirextly answer the question at hand.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with Yong Chun, you could have explained why the Prince of Arragon chose the silver casket and why Bassanio chose the lead casket. Also, you did not explain how the inscriptions on the three caskets has affected the choice of the three suitors. For example, the Prince of Morocco chose the gold casket because he believes that Portia is what many men want, as the inscriptions on the gold casket says. I agree with Chuan Xin that you did not make a decision in step 3. You were supposed to use logical reasoning to make a difficult decision, rather than using it to skip questions.
