Friday, August 12, 2011

National Day Event

This year's national day celebration is much better than last year's, no doubt. Although we had started with parade as usual, at least we could see that the Uniform Groups has improved by lots since last year. They moved more uniformly than before and they marched with more sense of pride. It was a sight to be seen.

As we sat down in Kah Kee Hall awaiting for the celebration to start, my heart was thumping very quickly but it is not because I am excited about the celebration, instead, I was very worried about the test upcoming after national day celebration. What an irony here! I am supposed to enjoy my national day but now, I would need to take a test on national day! the celebration started with some Australian doing some break-dance which kept me so engrossed with their cool and extraordinary dance moves that I forgot about my worry for the test. The introduction for this year national day celebration was awesome, much better than last year's! The rest of the performance was also awesome, with the Wushu students performing their amazing stunts with their weapons. Wonder how they performed so beautifully. The best improvement performance should go to the NCC people. Still remember what happened last year, they threw their rifles into the air and dropped at the start! This year, they performed flawlessly with even more spins of their rifles than last year. Unfortunately, the gymnastics did not perform this year, their performance was superb last year, spinning in the air for like 5 seconds, bet no one can do such stunts!

As the celebration ended, my worry started to come back. This test is different from any other LA test, it is R and R! This is the worst component of my LA, and I had to dragged my feet all the up to Ortus room......


  1. I totally agree with you! the National Day celebrations were awesome! During the National Day concert, I felt the performance by the Australians was full of enthusiasm. I found it rather amusing as they tried to emitate the mashup of "It's my life" and "Confessions" by my favourite TV series, Glee. The song was exactly the same and they were wearing the exact same clothes, white shirt and black leather jackets. I could see them giving all their effort and enjoying themselves on the stage. The performance after that by the other schools were not as entertaining but they definitely showcased their different arts of their culture. Then the Wushu performance by our school was action-packed as they displayed kicks, swings and jumps with various weapons. I agree that the NCC have obviously improved from last year! They performed in synchrony and they undoubtedly put in much effort into practising. After the concert, I felt so excited as I could go and have fun with my friends. I could say that that was the best part of National Day celebrations.
    I can imagine how you feel, Yu hao. It is definitely not a pleasant to have a test on a day in which you are supposed to relax and enjoy. If I were you, I would have felt so blue and would not have enjoyed myself during the celebrations. But it is great that you were still able to enjoy the concert! I empathize with you and I hope I do not encounter a situation where I have to take a test on a day of celebrations. After all, these days of celebrations are for us to relax and have a good time!

  2. Haha The National Day Celebration was great, the performance was great. The Austrailians even got the opportunity to showcase their dancing and singing skills! They look very enthusiastic when performing. I totally agree that the Uniform Groups, NPCC, NCC, and the St John Ambulance did a great job in their marching skills, especially when they get up close. The band did a formation which I thought was much better when looking from a birds eye view, all we can see are band people, moving forward and backwards. Sorry to hear that your mood still has to be kept till after your tests have ended, I can feel that you are depressed when trying to enjoy the performance at the same time. After all, in the end it was a great day ya? And these kind of days are meant for us to chill out and keep cool!

  3. I totally agree with you. I felt that this year’s national day celebration was great! Although I was involved in the parade in the morning which was quite tiring as we had to come to school quite early in the morning to prepare, I feel that it was an unforgettable moment and a rare chance as we were able to show our drills in front of the whole school. Even though I was not able to see the parade but through your comment, I can tell that it went quite well. Moving on to the celebration in the Kah Kee Hall, I feel that the performance put up by the various participants and CCAs did a great job and I enjoyed it very much! I feel that it was quite unfortunate for you as you had a test on the same day. Although the test might spoil the mode of the celebrations, I feel that you should face the test positively and accept it regardless of how difficult or scary the test is. Finally, I hope you had a great time that day even though you had a test!

    Benjamin Chua 2P404
