Thursday, August 11, 2011

Introduction of Reading and Reasoning

I was introduced to a new learning system this year for LA. It is a new way of writing comprehension which is called Reading and Reasoning. As the name suggests, it is like a comprehension passage but it focuses more on reasoning skills than answering skills here. It leads us to think more deeply on each and every question. This also helps us to practice our thinking skill and helps us reason effectively when it comes to controversial issues.

When I just started doing R and R, I thought it would be something similar to comprehension, andwe could just answer the questions directly from the passage. But, after doing the 1st exercise on R and R, it changed my mindset totally. When I was marking my own paper, I was giving myself so many zeros as I did not have a single answer to is even close to the correct answer. I did not know that I have to go deeper to look at the question as an issue as a whole of the question. There is this part of the questions that asked for your own opinion which is also known as the application. I thought a few lines would settle this question but I am utterly wrong. I cannot believe that it has rubrics and LORMS! There is a step by step way to answer this kind of question whereby you need to consider the opposing side of your own opinion. I was totally stunned as I listened to the teacher explains about the way to answer the question.

I could get a hang on R and R till term 3 after much clarification on how to answer application questions. Even so, I am not confident in getting a very mark for my common test that I just took whether I could get a satisfied score.

I feel that R and R is good to train thinking skills but it may not be effective for people to be able to answer to the model answer as many answers varies according to point of view.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that reading and reasoning exercise can be very tedious if we do not master the skill to answer the questions.

    Reading and reasoning exercise requires a high level of reasoning and analyzing skill in order for the answers to be good. We have to read questions properly and then go back to the passage to analyze the text to make sure that we can explain or infer the issues that we need in the answers. Doing this is not easy, we have to always highlight the keyword, pay close attention to every word and we have to be conscious of what the questions are asking in order for the answer to be related.

    Li Wong Kin
