Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ameneh Bahrami case

I would have shown mercy to the attacker. It is of 7 years of rehabilitation, thus, he may have learn his lesson about his wrong doing. Also, what is done cannot be undone, my life would be happier by forgiving than living inside revenge. However, I could ask for medical fees compensation as a form of justice that should be given to me.

After going through 7 years of rehabilitation, he should have already learnt his lesson that he had done the wrong thing. In 7 years, he would be able to understand the purpose of them being in a rehabilitation centre and what has really happened in the process of harming me just because I rejected his offer of marriage. Besides, the assistants in the rehabilitation centre should have guided him through the process of knowing what is actually wrong with his decision of throwing acid at me and he also has a quiet environment for him to recall and reflect on his reckless actions. Thus, I feel that I should just show mercy towards him and do not force justice onto him.

Also, What he had done could never be undone, even forcing justice could not return me my beautiful looks anymore. My life now would be more miserable if I would also be thinking of getting back justice for myself. So what if I could get justice and punished him? Will it actually make a difference for me? I doubt so... Instead, I should forgive him after he had gone through 7 years of rehabilitation, and I should just let bygones be bygones. I should think of how I could live my life on for the next 50 years and try to get out of the mentality of revenge. Both of us do not gain under an eye for eye circumstances, so what is the point? Having him to learnt his lesson and not do it again, that is the way to prevent such things from happening again. Thus, I should show mercy to him as what justice could do here will have a greater extent of harm than help.

However, I could ask for medical fees compensation as a form of justice. He is the cause of everything and he ought to be responsible of what he had done wrong. Asking for compensation would let him remember the lesson learnt of throwing acid at people. In this way, I am asking for justice but in the same way, teaching him a lesson that what actions he had done, he have to be responsible. It is not just understanding mistakes, but to be able to be responsible for the mistakes he had done. Thus, I could ask for justice by letting him be responsible for what he had done wrong.

In conclusion, I feel that mercy should be shown to him as he ought to learn his lesson after 7 years of rehabilitation. Although I could ask for medical fee compensation, but just let bygones be bygones, the more important thing for me now is to learn how to live on my life with this face and not asking for revenge.

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