Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Self-obsession and Narcissism

There will be a negative impact on environment caused by Narcissism due to rapid economic development. Also, the country will lose the united spirit as everyone will develop the selfish character in them. Lastly, there would be a surge for mental health care needed for the country if narcissism is on the rise in that country.

There will be a negative impact on environment when narcissism is on the rise in a country. Since everyone cares only about themselves and focus on what ever that can benefits them, there would be rapid economic development to that country. When there is rapid economic development, there would be more waste that needs to be disposed. Furthermore, since everyone is a narcissist, they would also not care about the waste and would just disposed it in their favor. Thus, there would be an increase in land, air and water pollution due to mishandling of waste and chemicals. Therefore, when narcissism is on rise in a country, they would definitely face pollution this problem in their country due to selfishness among people.

The country will also lose its united spirit when narcissism is on the rise in a country. Due to Narcissism, many people will developed a selfish thinking in them as they a=only think about themselves and all the benefits for themselves and do not care about others. This could pose quite a threat to the nation's security system as people will not be working together to protect a country by a whole. Instead, everyone will just fight individually which means that opponents will have a higher chance of invading the country. Since there is not united spirit within them, there will be no way a country can prosper on as everyone only cares about themselves. Therefore, the country will lose its united spirit due to narcissism and it may likely cause a big threat to a country when it comes into trouble.

Also, the country will also need more medication for the help of narcissism. Narcissism is a mental illness that anyone can suffer from and medication will be needed for such patients so that we could treat this illness. Thus, money must be inputted into medical healthcare so that these patients have a chance of recovering from narcissism so that it would be a long term benefit to the country. Therefore, there would definitely be a surge in medical care in this country where narcissism is on the rise.

In conclusion, narcissism has many bad impacts on a country in terms of economic, social and political threats that could be resulted in that country.

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. Wow.. Wow... What a long essay... you should consider making this one of your ACE post. ;D

    At the beginning, I did not really have a clear idea of what narcissism is. But after reading your blog post, I have clearer view of what it really is and the toll it has on people.

    You looked at the topic through three different ways - the negative effect it has on the environment, medical care and the country itself.

    This essay really deter me from being a narcissistic person..
