Sunday, August 14, 2011

Students' feeling towards school

I feel that many students come to school is not because of studying but instead of their friends made in school. Just look at my own class, 2P4, how many of them are willing to learn seriously in class? 0 maybe? Other than the reason that they are forced to come to school, all of them do not actually want to come school. I, sometimes, also have such mentality. Why? Due to the fast changing society and high level education perhaps.

Singapore is a country that focus a lot on education and also seeks for greater heights for education, which pushes the students to study very quickly and understand them very quickly too. This puts a lot of pressure on students and we may not be able to cope well. Most of us come to school is because that there are friends in school that you can talk with and play together. The only motivation in us students is friends and not education. Actually, everybody wants to do well in subjects but due to the fast-rapid education system that tires us out totally just by catching up with it.

Thus, I feel that Singapore's education system has pushed us to our limits and we are already "dying" in their hands. Thinking of giving up education is equal to losing your future. It is a very difficult choice to be made by us as many of us still consider our future as priority. Therefore, education in Singapore is killing!


  1. I feel that we should not say that students come to school not to learn but to meet their friends. I believe that friends are merely a motivation for people to come to school and to compare it with the attitude to want to study is two complete different thing.
    However, I agree with you that Singapore's education is too hectic and stressful if time is not managed properly. But I would not say that Singaporeans are "dying" in the Education system's hand because I know that most people are still able to cope with the work but are just lazy.

  2. I disagree with his point. I feel that some of the students really want to gain new knowledge from the teacher and learn new stuffs. Humans are born to learn new things. When we were young, we had to learn how to walk, speak and even eat. And now we have grown up, we want to learn a lot about the world outside. Thus I feel that many students come to school because they want to learn something.

    Li Wong Kin 2P4
