Sunday, July 31, 2011

Car race

"You are not going win, you loser, I am way ahead of you now! You can never catch up with me, accelerate... And goodbye!"
"You are not very ahead of me, you retard, I am going to chase you down all the way, look at your speed, only 120km/h, I am going at 150km/h, going to overtake you in less than 10 seconds, haha!"
"What nonsense is this? It is such a gigantic lake, the water in there is so clear! It is so fascinating, can't believe I could still see such a lake in this century!"
"It is awesome, it seems so glistering under the fine sunlight! Wonders what living organisms could be inside this beautiful lake..."
"Guess we are expecting the wrong thing.... Such enormous and ugly creature with 18 legs and 24 hands should not appear in this location, oh come on, this should not be happening.."
"K, I guess we have to... RUN! Sorry, DRIVE AWAY NOW!"
"Right, engines turning up, relax, just a little while more, we are leaving, just relax, do not get so overwhelmed, we are.. LEAVING! Oh my god, it is trying to capture us!"
"Well, I can see that, I am driving like at the speed of 200km/h, but it does not seem to be leaving further away from it!"
"I bet it is traveling at the speed of 250km/h, that is even faster than birds! I guess this is the end to say bye bye to the world...."

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