Thursday, July 21, 2011

Private space travel

I feel that private commercial space travel is a good thing. There will be a rise of reputation of the company and a deeper insight of space. However, there may also be a rise of danger too as there may be inexperienced people on-board.

Private commercial space travel can bring a rise of reputation to that company. When private commercial starts their space travel mission, it will "disturb" people from world-wide to look at this company through publicity. Newspaper, broadcast and internet will all be showing what this company is doing which thus, attracted much attention for this company. When this company successfully launched space shuttle into space and coming back successfully to Earth after the space exploration, many people will remember this person from this company had done us, man, proud! Therefore, if private commercial does space travel, it would increase their reputation by lots and would eventually be able to earn revenue from all the customers that come to "buy" their goods.

Private commercial space travel can also help us to have a greater insight on space. As NASA has been the only big association that have done space exploration and we, man, do not want to stop exploring space, thus, if NASA does not have the financial cost to carry on space exploration, it must be taken over by someone. Private commercial, having enough financial cost, should be able to take over NASA's role here. By continuing exploring space, we may be able to understand better on space and even find new stuffs in space too. Thus, by carrying on exploring space, we will be able to get a greater insight of it. Therefore, private commercial doing space travel will be able to continue the space exploration for NASA.

However, There will also be risk of danger in the process of private commercial space travel. Since private commercial steps in, they will be a slight chance that there may some inexperience people boarding into space. It will be very dangerous if there in no experienced people in a flight as it will be havoc if they ever meet any unexpected situations. Although this may happen, but with much training and the advances in technology, this problem will be reduced to its minimal so as to protect the people on-board the space shuttle. Thus, there may be danger during the flight but it will be overcome by the advances in technology and training given to the people.

In conclusion, private commercial space travel has more pros than cons, in which the con, rise of danger, could be easily settled with high-leveled training and the best technology. As for the pros, it could be much wealth for the private company, no doubt!

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