Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fairness for Strauss-Kahn's innocence

It is not fair for the media to charge him guilty. First, there must be no bias against Strauss. Second, the people and media should not be using their own past knowledge to judge a person's guilt.

There should not be any bias against Strauss when there is fairness. From the article "Rush to misjudgement?" from the Time magazine, it has stated that "there is a long history of women who have been ignored or worse when they dared charge a powerful man with rape. One of the great victories of the feminist movement of the 1960s and '70s was reforming how rape cases are handled. States passed rape shield laws, which barred defense lawyers from cross-examining women about their sexual history. States also dropped requirements that there be corroborating evidence beyond the victim's testimony. These reforms were much needed, and they helped victims get fairer treatment in the courts" Thus, it has clearly stated that women are given equal rights to voice out their own words, and it would a fair sentence by the judge according to the above laws stated. Therefore, Strauss, as a head of the International Monetary Fund, will not be given any special privilege, thus, the media should not be bias against Strauss just because of his position in the society.

It is not fair towards Strauss if the media and public judge him just because of past knowledge that people in high positions will definitely escaped from such cases. The definition of fairness means that both parties are given themselves a chance to voice out before the final judgement is out but the people and the media now are accusing Strauss for a rape charge. They just listen to what the victim said and have not analyze whether it is credible or trustworthy to just believe the maid. It is very rash to just deduce that Strauss raped the maid without even listening to his point of view. Although a rapist would never admit what he does, but it is still not confirm whether he is lying or really innocent before the evidence even came out. Thus, it is not fair to Strauss in this case.

Although Strauss upholds a high position in the States, we must also be fair for both sides. Thus, it is unfair to Strauss just by saying he is guilty before any evidences has been found out. It is just what the people proclaimed, but it may not be true after all.

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