Saturday, July 23, 2011

Online lesson 11

Money is everything?

I am absolutely sure that everyone knows what M-O-N-E-Y stands for. It stands for money. Money is an essential item for survival. Look around you, the pen that you are holding, the clothes that you are wearing, all these needs money. Money can be taken in many forms: Cash, Cheque, Plantations, Land. But, do you think money is everything? If your equation is Money = Everything, then I can tell you, you are wrong!

There are things which you cannot get with money. It includes friendship, kinship, brotherhood and also love. If you think that you can buy all these things, you are utterly wrong! Do you know how much is 1 friendship? Can you weigh it? Can you tell me what is the exact amount? No, no one even knows! It is the same for love. You think that money is needed to have love? Let me tell you, love is never a matter of money. Love is something that is within you, it is reflected by all your actions. Caring for an injured animal, treasuring loved ones, all these demonstrates your love. Does these actions need money? What it needs is your heart.

Maybe you could tell me that once you step into the society, everything changes. Relationships will built on money. It is always money placed at the top, those that have money comes to me, people without money, just get out of my sight. Talks and parties attended, money will say everything. When people see that you drive in big cars, holding big bucks on hand, they will come naturally to you. But remember, will these people really treat you as a friend? a person that really cares for you? I am sure everybody has an answer for their own.

To end my speech, money is needed, but it is nothing compared to your feelings and relationships. Always remember, never give up relationships for the sake of money, it is never worth it as money is not everything!


  1. I agree with you standpoint that money is a a need, but not everything. Also the way you conveyed the message, is very emotional, which I think is great for debates as it injects life into a debate,making it more interesting.

  2. I agree with your viewpoints about money. Through questions and more emotional way of carrying your speech, I feel that your speech is well covered. However, I would like to suggest that you give more real examples to support your stand. This is because what I have observed from your speech have very strong stands, however, can easily be revoked since it lacked of a proper supporting evidence.

    In conclusion, I feel that it was a well-written speech and with more adjustment can make it a better one.
