Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lending of money

No, I would not lend money to Bassanio. First, I do not have money to lend him, second, I am not a risk-taker like Bassanio, thus, I would not want to risk the lend and I feel that matrimony is not a matter of money.

I would not lend money to Bassanio as I do not even have the money to lend him. I am a wealthy merchant but not happy since I have to worry about my business enterprises. Bassanio still owes me money but unable to pay back his debts, and now asking for yet more money so he can marry the wealthy Portia and so pay me back. But the problem is, I have no money to spare as my wealth comes from the ships that I own and Salarino also comments that I am worried for my ships which could easily be at peril from storms or pirates. Thus, I do not have the money to lend him thus, I would not lend him money.

I would not lend my money to him as I am not a risk-taker here. Bassanio persuaded me by using his childhood experience on arrows. He said that if he shoots he same arrow at the same direction as the other, he would be able to find both. The money which Bassanio had borrowed from me and had squandered is like the first lost arrow; and the additional sum of money that he hopes to borrow from me is like the second arrow. Bassanio suggests that if I would take the risk of investing yet another sum of money, like he once did shoot an additional arrow, I might be able to get his original sum of money back, just as Bassanio managed to locate his first arrow. But what happen if both my sums go down the drain? Thus, as I am scared that I lose both the amount of money as I am not a risk-taker, therefore, I would not lend money to him just to gamble.

Lastly, I feel that matrimony is not a matter of money, Portia may not be a person that who put much concern on the appearance you give her. A real-life example would be my parents. Neither side was rich and both still get along well with each other during their dating season and they slowly develop their compassion towards each other and finally deciding to have a marriage. What if you have lots and lots of money but your lover does not actually love you, so what is the point? True love is not using money to hold back the person, it is compassion.

In conclusion, I would not lend money to Bassanio to pursue Portia. Although it may seem that I do not treasure the friendship between Bassanio and I, but Bassanio needs to learn the hard way and not lend money to settle all his problem.

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