Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rampant Piracy in Asia

There will be three negative consequences I will be talking about. First, Apple's business will dropped a lot, more piracy would be resulted and unhappiness will be rendered due to the restriction of music, books and movies.

Due to this restriction, Apple's business may drop due the loss of market in Asia. The restriction of music, books and movies in Asia will discourage many people from buying Apple product as they could not get anything that they like. As smart phones like HTC and Androids are becoming more and more useful and popular compared to Apple phones, many people will go for other smart phones but not Apple products due to the restriction. Thus, Apple may ver likely to lose much of Asian market if this restriction continues.

Due to the restriction, more piracy will be resulted in Asia too. Many Asian Apple fans that bought Apple product but did not get whatever they like, they will try all means and ways to get these "better" apps. As such, "jail-breaking" became very popular among people in Asia as "jail-breaking" allow users to get any apps of any cost at 0 dollars. Thus, this tempted many people to "jail-break" their phones, which had resulted more pirated products being evolved in Asia. Thus, the restriction did not stop piracy in Asia, it had made piracy "stronger" in Asia.

Due to the restriction, many people in Asia will be unhappy as they cannot get whatever apps they like while those people in the Europe can use such apps daily. Many Asians will then be agitated that why Europeans are able to use such apps that we Asians cannot use. The Asians will be more infuriated when they hear that because of piracy in Asia that caused this restrictions. Does that mean that Europeans will not used "jail-break"? Such arguments will be resulted due to the unfairness of Apple which had caused much unhappiness in Asia.

In conclusion, I find that Apple is very "stupid" to impose such restriction in Asia as it will cause them to lose revenue, heated up more piracy in Asia and cause Asians unhappy over Apple product.

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