Thursday, July 28, 2011

Caylee Anthony case

I feel that the general public should show mercy and just leave her alone. As a mother, losing a child is already very unbearable for her. Furthermore, there are no concrete evidence to prove that she had murdered her child.

Being a mother, it takes 10 months to give birth to a child, the bond between a mother and a child is unexplainable. They are just very close as the mother carries the child for 10 months! How much work, care and comfort is needed from the mother for the 10 months of pregnancy before giving birth, there is no way anybody can doubt this. During giving birth to the child, the mother experienced how it is like being separated from its own child, the pain felt is something you never know. Furthermore, the mother has to take care of of the child till it grows up, the feelings developed between them can never be broken up. Relating back to Casey Anthony's case, she had lost a daughter for weeks and months, and later, found her dead, is there any way an outsider would be more upset than the mother? There may be other reasons that Casey did not wish to say why she did not report her daughter's missing, but as a mother, do you think she would not care about her daughter? It is within the mother, all the feelings that others can never be able to experienced it after being a mother. Thus, I feel that the public should just leave her alone, the pain that Casey feel will definitely overwhelm the crowds' "circumstantial evidence".

Next, there are no concrete evidence that shows that Casey had murdered her daughter. From the article on this case, it states that "Prosecutors couldn't say how Caylee died because the girl's body was too decomposed to harvest DNA or other forensic evidence. So the state relied on circumstantial evidence: the trunk of Casey's car smelled like a dead body to some witnesses; someone did an internet search for chloroform — a chemical that can be used to knock someone unconscious — at the Anthony home; and there was duct tape on Caylee's skull when it was found six months after she was last seen in June 2008." Thus, even the defense cannot find out how she died, so how can the public just judge that it is Casey that murdered her daughter? It utterly makes no sense here. It is just the public's assumption and just by their assumption, they deduce that it is Casey that murdered her daughter! Thus, the public should just show mercy towards Casey as no evidence proved that Casey killed her daughter, even the jury also proved her acquitted.

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