Sunday, September 18, 2011

Should character development place more emphasis than academic excellence

I feel that character development should place more emphasis than academic excellence. Without character development, a student would not have the right attitude to learn and study. Also, intelligence without morality could also result in bad situations to occur. However, academic excellence is also important as it has gain many opportunities in life.

When a student does not have character development, he would not have the right attitude to study and learn. A student with better brain but no character development will definitely think that he is very superior and whatever things taught by the teacher is redundant due to his complacency. Thus, he would not pay attention in class and start disturbing other classmate that wants to learn since he thinks that he knows everything. These students might also mocked at other students that are not doing well and hurt them emotionally. Such attitudes and actions are ridiculous but teachers would not care about them since whatever they want is their academic excellence and nothing else. This would have a hazardous result on the up-bringing of the weaker students as they are being laugh at by such despicable students everyday which will cause negative effects on the mental health of students. Thus, character development is of utmost importance to maintain a person's attitudes towards learning and studying.

Without character development, intelligence might not be good after all. A person has intelligence but no morality would bring adverse effects to the society. Just like what happened to the Jews that were imprisoned. The scientists and doctors are very intelligent but they decided to do experiments on the hated Jews where they start slicing their bodies and obtaining their intestines to do further research. They killed the Jew on the spot by such acts due to their immorality towards people. Another example will be Osama bin Laden. He is very smart at construct bombs but he decided to use his intelligence to wipe out human race. He started to be a terrorist and start bombing countries and killing thousands of people. Thus, talented is good, but without character development, it is very easy to go on the wrong road.

However, academic excellence is also important as it helped us gain many opportunities in life. With academic excellence, we could further pursue our dream of becoming somebody in the future. With academic excellence, you will be given more opportunities in the society as employment will mainly look at your academic excellence. But, academic excellence could only bring to you opportunities more easily than others, but character development is what is required after the opportunity is given to you. If bosses see that you are someone without integrity, someone that is lazy and do not do work, they will also fire you due to negligence to your work.

In conclusion, character development should be placed more emphasis on than academic excellence as character development is the one that chooses how your intelligence is going to help you or not.    

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