Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Online lesson 12

Step 2: The common theme here is whether judging appearance is so important than the true inside self of a person. Prince Morocco decided to choose the gold casket as he thought that only the gold is comparable to Portia's elegance and beauty which in turn failed to get the portrait of her. This gold casket's skull and scroll represents simply the cliched moral that one should not judge "a book by its cover", for inside the gold it could very well be a gross skull that belongs in the tomb. As for Arragon, he chose the silver casket and what he got was an idiot smiling at him and as for Bassanio, he decided to choose the lead casket and he got the portrait of Portia. In all, this casket proves that all that glitters is not gold.

Step 3: This is stupid man! So is this the answer or that is the one? Using the laws of physics, and by the law of it, both answers seem to be correct! How I am able to choose the correct answer? I have eliminated 2 of the answers and now, I am left the last 2. Let me work it out, 20 divided by 2 and then multiply by the velocity of 3m/s2.. Wait, both answers could also use that! Crap, this ain't getting anywhere, come on, what is the answer! Never mind, I shall skip and moved on to the next one. Great, the next one is even worse, all 4 could be the answer? What kind of test paper is this? Is there a model answer, I cannot proved that this concept is wrong when it is correct.. This is just great! Almost the whole paper is like this! How am I able to do this kind of paper, it is getting the heck out of me. This is bad, I am only left with 10 mins but I have 40 questions more...... This is just great!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Students' feeling towards school

I feel that many students come to school is not because of studying but instead of their friends made in school. Just look at my own class, 2P4, how many of them are willing to learn seriously in class? 0 maybe? Other than the reason that they are forced to come to school, all of them do not actually want to come school. I, sometimes, also have such mentality. Why? Due to the fast changing society and high level education perhaps.

Singapore is a country that focus a lot on education and also seeks for greater heights for education, which pushes the students to study very quickly and understand them very quickly too. This puts a lot of pressure on students and we may not be able to cope well. Most of us come to school is because that there are friends in school that you can talk with and play together. The only motivation in us students is friends and not education. Actually, everybody wants to do well in subjects but due to the fast-rapid education system that tires us out totally just by catching up with it.

Thus, I feel that Singapore's education system has pushed us to our limits and we are already "dying" in their hands. Thinking of giving up education is equal to losing your future. It is a very difficult choice to be made by us as many of us still consider our future as priority. Therefore, education in Singapore is killing!

Friday, August 12, 2011

National Day Event

This year's national day celebration is much better than last year's, no doubt. Although we had started with parade as usual, at least we could see that the Uniform Groups has improved by lots since last year. They moved more uniformly than before and they marched with more sense of pride. It was a sight to be seen.

As we sat down in Kah Kee Hall awaiting for the celebration to start, my heart was thumping very quickly but it is not because I am excited about the celebration, instead, I was very worried about the test upcoming after national day celebration. What an irony here! I am supposed to enjoy my national day but now, I would need to take a test on national day! the celebration started with some Australian doing some break-dance which kept me so engrossed with their cool and extraordinary dance moves that I forgot about my worry for the test. The introduction for this year national day celebration was awesome, much better than last year's! The rest of the performance was also awesome, with the Wushu students performing their amazing stunts with their weapons. Wonder how they performed so beautifully. The best improvement performance should go to the NCC people. Still remember what happened last year, they threw their rifles into the air and dropped at the start! This year, they performed flawlessly with even more spins of their rifles than last year. Unfortunately, the gymnastics did not perform this year, their performance was superb last year, spinning in the air for like 5 seconds, bet no one can do such stunts!

As the celebration ended, my worry started to come back. This test is different from any other LA test, it is R and R! This is the worst component of my LA, and I had to dragged my feet all the up to Ortus room......

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Descriptive Pose

Cold and wet atmosphere filled the once warm and bright apartment. Every table and chair is so still at its position, the floor is pale and yet full of texture. A rug covers the floor which fine dusts particles could be seen with naked eyes. In an array of gloss and semi-gloss, shades of pale blue cover three of the four walls and their baseboards speckled only by an occasional paint chip or faded fingerprint.

Photographs of varying sizes and of varying content, most expressing various political ideas and music hang stiffly on the wall at a secluded section of the room. Shelves protrude from a wall adjacent to the door, topped by a number of knickknacks and decorative accessories. Yet nothing obscures the blueness of these walls quite as magnificently as the furnishings which fill the room. A dressing table was placed at a corner that is 45 degrees northeast from the door, it looks so empty, the warmth of the table has left together with her owner, never returning. The icicle room awaits the next owner in loneliness...

Introduction of Reading and Reasoning

I was introduced to a new learning system this year for LA. It is a new way of writing comprehension which is called Reading and Reasoning. As the name suggests, it is like a comprehension passage but it focuses more on reasoning skills than answering skills here. It leads us to think more deeply on each and every question. This also helps us to practice our thinking skill and helps us reason effectively when it comes to controversial issues.

When I just started doing R and R, I thought it would be something similar to comprehension, andwe could just answer the questions directly from the passage. But, after doing the 1st exercise on R and R, it changed my mindset totally. When I was marking my own paper, I was giving myself so many zeros as I did not have a single answer to is even close to the correct answer. I did not know that I have to go deeper to look at the question as an issue as a whole of the question. There is this part of the questions that asked for your own opinion which is also known as the application. I thought a few lines would settle this question but I am utterly wrong. I cannot believe that it has rubrics and LORMS! There is a step by step way to answer this kind of question whereby you need to consider the opposing side of your own opinion. I was totally stunned as I listened to the teacher explains about the way to answer the question.

I could get a hang on R and R till term 3 after much clarification on how to answer application questions. Even so, I am not confident in getting a very mark for my common test that I just took whether I could get a satisfied score.

I feel that R and R is good to train thinking skills but it may not be effective for people to be able to answer to the model answer as many answers varies according to point of view.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ameneh Bahrami case

I would have shown mercy to the attacker. It is of 7 years of rehabilitation, thus, he may have learn his lesson about his wrong doing. Also, what is done cannot be undone, my life would be happier by forgiving than living inside revenge. However, I could ask for medical fees compensation as a form of justice that should be given to me.

After going through 7 years of rehabilitation, he should have already learnt his lesson that he had done the wrong thing. In 7 years, he would be able to understand the purpose of them being in a rehabilitation centre and what has really happened in the process of harming me just because I rejected his offer of marriage. Besides, the assistants in the rehabilitation centre should have guided him through the process of knowing what is actually wrong with his decision of throwing acid at me and he also has a quiet environment for him to recall and reflect on his reckless actions. Thus, I feel that I should just show mercy towards him and do not force justice onto him.

Also, What he had done could never be undone, even forcing justice could not return me my beautiful looks anymore. My life now would be more miserable if I would also be thinking of getting back justice for myself. So what if I could get justice and punished him? Will it actually make a difference for me? I doubt so... Instead, I should forgive him after he had gone through 7 years of rehabilitation, and I should just let bygones be bygones. I should think of how I could live my life on for the next 50 years and try to get out of the mentality of revenge. Both of us do not gain under an eye for eye circumstances, so what is the point? Having him to learnt his lesson and not do it again, that is the way to prevent such things from happening again. Thus, I should show mercy to him as what justice could do here will have a greater extent of harm than help.

However, I could ask for medical fees compensation as a form of justice. He is the cause of everything and he ought to be responsible of what he had done wrong. Asking for compensation would let him remember the lesson learnt of throwing acid at people. In this way, I am asking for justice but in the same way, teaching him a lesson that what actions he had done, he have to be responsible. It is not just understanding mistakes, but to be able to be responsible for the mistakes he had done. Thus, I could ask for justice by letting him be responsible for what he had done wrong.

In conclusion, I feel that mercy should be shown to him as he ought to learn his lesson after 7 years of rehabilitation. Although I could ask for medical fee compensation, but just let bygones be bygones, the more important thing for me now is to learn how to live on my life with this face and not asking for revenge.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Self-obsession and Narcissism

There will be a negative impact on environment caused by Narcissism due to rapid economic development. Also, the country will lose the united spirit as everyone will develop the selfish character in them. Lastly, there would be a surge for mental health care needed for the country if narcissism is on the rise in that country.

There will be a negative impact on environment when narcissism is on the rise in a country. Since everyone cares only about themselves and focus on what ever that can benefits them, there would be rapid economic development to that country. When there is rapid economic development, there would be more waste that needs to be disposed. Furthermore, since everyone is a narcissist, they would also not care about the waste and would just disposed it in their favor. Thus, there would be an increase in land, air and water pollution due to mishandling of waste and chemicals. Therefore, when narcissism is on rise in a country, they would definitely face pollution this problem in their country due to selfishness among people.

The country will also lose its united spirit when narcissism is on the rise in a country. Due to Narcissism, many people will developed a selfish thinking in them as they a=only think about themselves and all the benefits for themselves and do not care about others. This could pose quite a threat to the nation's security system as people will not be working together to protect a country by a whole. Instead, everyone will just fight individually which means that opponents will have a higher chance of invading the country. Since there is not united spirit within them, there will be no way a country can prosper on as everyone only cares about themselves. Therefore, the country will lose its united spirit due to narcissism and it may likely cause a big threat to a country when it comes into trouble.

Also, the country will also need more medication for the help of narcissism. Narcissism is a mental illness that anyone can suffer from and medication will be needed for such patients so that we could treat this illness. Thus, money must be inputted into medical healthcare so that these patients have a chance of recovering from narcissism so that it would be a long term benefit to the country. Therefore, there would definitely be a surge in medical care in this country where narcissism is on the rise.

In conclusion, narcissism has many bad impacts on a country in terms of economic, social and political threats that could be resulted in that country.