Saturday, February 26, 2011

Addiction of Facebook

Many people are using this social network called Facebook and it is a quite efficient tool. We could communicate easily just like MSN and share things with friends 'publicly' but Facebook has a very bad impact on people, teenagers especially now. I, myself, have seen most of my classmates addicted to Facebook, either gaming or chatting which caused their results to drop tremendously. I believe gaming contributed most to the dropped of results. Me myself is also using Facebook but there must a time when you need to draw a line. We need to have some restraints to it such as do not use Facebook more than an hour, try not to use Facebook when exams is around the corner etc.

These constraints would help if you do on a constant basis as you would start to get 'further and further away' from Facebook, which is actually a very good thing. It could help you to boost your grades as you would have more time doing purposeful stuff than gaming or chatting on Facebook. Like me, I try not to play many games on Facebook as I know that I would get addicted easily,so, I play 1 or 2 games on Facebook and stopped.

Many of my friends could not do that as they are very easily influenced by the friends among them. Once they hear that this particular game is nice, they would just like to try it, and then get addicted to it. They will start to play the whole day as they tried to overtake each other in rank, or try to defeat each other. I just wonder why they cannot have such a competitive mind-set when it comes to academic?

Therefore, I feel that Facebook actually does more harm than good though it is a very good networking tool. Frankly speaking, I also used Facebook everyday since I entered this school, but the keyword is... CONTROL...

LA 3rd draft

Brusqueness of Singaporean

The engines of the aeroplane cackled as it landed on a flat, firm platform. Tommy, 17, had arrived in Singapore. Still remember that everyone was so enthusiastic in the US airport but now, what Singapore awaited was a group of peaceful, quiet and sleepy foreigners. Tiredness was written on everyone’s faces. Permanent pin-dropped silence was broken by the speech of the pilot. All the high spirits possessed by the foreigners had lost together with all the fuel, Tommy was no exception. Tommy’s short trip to Singapore was to visit his friend, James, which had come to Singapore 3 long years ago.

It was 1am. He opened his heavy eyelids, and dragged himself slowly through the arrival hall. His body was like a jellyfish when he was waiting for his hotel room being assigned, eyes closing. He laid himself onto the firm and hard wall of the lift for support. He forcefully proceeded out of the lift and entered his warm and cozy room. Tommy dropped himself on the soft and comfortable bed, asleep right away.

Greeting him was the soft rays of morning light after the break of dawn; Tommy woke up from his slumber land and washed up himself. The hot shower drenched him totally from the tiredness. Fully refreshed, he headed for the ground floor for his sumptuous breakfast. All the waiters and waitresses were very polite which gave him a very good impression on Singapore. But a distinct and abrupt ringtone of his iPhone destroyed his relaxing time of breakfast.

“Hi, Tommy. Arrived safely in Singapore right? Which hotel are you in now?” James said excitedly.

“Oh, I am in hotel 88, James. It has been a long time since I heard from you, how are you doing?” Tommy replied happily.

“I am fine; we shall continue talking after we meet each other later. I will pick you at hotel 88, wait for me. I shall be your host today!” laughed James.

“Sure, see ya!”

Tommy rested himself of the bouncy sofa at the reception area, anticipating what his vacation will be in Singapore. Wild thoughts were running in his mind when he felt something warm on his shoulder. It was James! They then went joyfully out of the hotel and proceeded to Orchard Road, the busiest and most bustling place in Singapore. They went into a majestic edifice filled with all sorts of shops; food, clothes and accessories. Tommy was totally stunned when he saw how grand a shopping centre can be. Amazed, he followed James hopping around the entire mall and they were welcomed with a big smile on the shop owners’ faces.

After a full 2 hours of shopping, they found themselves starved with hunger. Once they exited the mall, with several glances, not a suitable location was spotted. James then introduced to James a hawker centre that had cheap and good food. They dashed like werewolves towards the fragrance of fried chicken wings once they arrived. The hawker centre was crowded with people as it was lunch time for employees. They waited for a seat near the famous Nasi Lemak stall and with a stroke of luck, they got a seat and Tommy decided to order the food for them. The queue was as long as a ladder and it was finally Tommy’s turn to answer.

“What do you want to eat?” boomed the stall owner, beads of perspiration trickled down her forehead.

Tommy found himself offended as he was greeted with such a nasty tone. He pointed at the appealing side dishes for 2 plates and wanted to pay for the food. Awaited him was a hard slam of the two plates of food and a shout, “$4.40!” The employee snatched his money and returned him the change in a split second or two. He was really upset and bothered by the stall owner’s tone, as he walked slowly, very slowly towards James.

“Tommy, don’t be too disgruntled, she was not being rude on purpose. This is not USA, where everyone greets each other politely. In a hawker centre for example, people would not greet you politely and serve you very nicely. Every minute to them is money, so they would need to be fast with everything they do and say although sometimes they do not know that their words are too blunt that would offend people. Therefore, don’t put this on mind, ok?” James explained.

After hearing what James had said, Tommy realized that he had blamed the employee wrongly. Due to the different environment Tommy was being exposed to, he could not adapt to such a situation so suddenly. Tommy swallowed his first mouth of food and he was surprised! It was very delicious; Tommy nearly gobbled the entire plate down together with his food too!

The Nasi Lemak had filled their stomach till their brim; therefore, they decided to take a stroll around the provision shops nearby. As they were walking out of the hawker centre, Tommy heard unpleasant words by the uncles, propping his leg on another chair, in the hawker centre. He felt very disturbed as he find that the uncles are unrefined and abuses the English language. Here comes another explanation by James. He said that the uncles here were not pleased with the Americans due to the Japanese invasion. Therefore, they like to abuse English language that they know, which were very limited, but mostly were coarse language.

It was then that Tommy knew that he could not adapt to the life of Singapore as Singaporeans have a different way of speaking and their tones might sound offensive. He mumbled to himself, “It is going to be hard for me to stay in Singapore……”

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Online lesson #4

2) Gusts of wind blew through this exceptionally empty court, cold. In this sleepy morning, the loop of the basket was left abandoned, blue and alone. What is left with it was the nice green patch of grass, swaying smoothly as the wind swept through the tip of the grass. Contrast, the darker green, clean ground seemed blended into the original greenery. As I proceeded forward, sound of the distinct bouncing of ball seemed clearer and clearer.

4)In this sleepy morning, the loop of the basket was left abandoned, blue and alone. What is left with it was the nice green patch of grass, swaying smoothly as the wind swept as quickly as lightning through the tip of the grass.

6)In this sleepy morning, the loop of the basket was left abandoned, blue and alone. Even the wind had left after visiting this isolated area, leaving dried, dead leaves on this cold, freezing ground. It was backed to stillness once again......

7)Gusts of wind blew through this exceptionally empty court, cold. In this sleepy morning, the loop of the basket was left abandoned, blue and alone. Even the wind had left after visiting this isolated area, leaving dried, dead leaves on this cold, freezing ground. It was backed to stillness once again......

What is left with it was the nice green patch of grass, swaying smoothly as the wind swept through the tip of the grass, a green, nice wave was formed in split seconds, in unison. Back to original, they would have to wait for the next smooth wind as to present their elegance once again......

Contrast, the darker green, clean ground seemed blended into the original greenery. As I proceeded forward, sound of the distinct bouncing of ball seemed clearer and clearer and it broke the pin-dropped silence of this early morning. Broke the tense and lonely atmosphere, and the loop of the basket smiled......

Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm afraid......

It is test week now! Although preparation was did for all my test now, but I think the results are not as good as expected. Just take my Science test as an example, when I did finish the test, I was very confident that I could get a very high score, but when I double check with my friends, I made lots of careless mistakes! Every bit of mark was gone just because I did not see and remember my notes clearly. I seriously hate myself for not being more careful in the test, furthermore, this is only my 1st test in this entire week.

I have lost all my confidence in other tests now after knowing that my Science test is no as good. Wonder how would I do for the next 4 tests in this week after losing confidence now...... Feeling demoralized, I have no mood to revise for all the other tests already, I am seriously very scared for all the upcoming tests, worried that I will do very badly for them!

I'm afraid.......

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My own found poem

Atticus was sitting behind his table;
his chair was skewed to one side,his legs crossed
Atticus said, “I just wanted to make sure, Judge,”

Atticus was saying, “you say she was mighty banged up. In what way?”
Just describe her injuries, Heck
Wait a minute, Sheriff,” said Atticus.

Something had been made plain to Atticus
Walked to the court reporter’s desk
Asked Sheriff to repeat everything

Atticus seemed to be bordering on another question
Atticus turned at looked at Tom Robinson
Something they had not bargained for...

Sheriff irritated with questions by Atticus
Answering Yes or No
But Mr Tate fell into silence

I'm tired......

I'm tired, due to the many upcoming tests and tons of homework given by teachers, and also, revising and revising for the entire 2 weeks. In order to maintain good results in such good schools, we would need to revise and do whatever teachers had taught. In addition, now, we are in future school programme, which made us be more independent than before. Everything we do not understand, we could only google and search them. Although most teachers would respond to the questions we asked, but much of it was to ask us to search online. I'm tired, tired of this kind of life style, but who could help me? Practically no one! Everyone is adapting to such a life style, but I just could not! I really missed my Sec 1 life, a life with much lesser homework and revision. Seriously wonder, if I could not cope in Sec 2 life, what would happen to me in Sec 3 and 4......

My neighbourhood photos

These are the things all around my house.....^^

Monday, February 14, 2011

My neighbourhood

From the top of the block, you could observe a sight of greenery and sunlight was blocked by the heights of different buildings. Take in a deep breath, and smell of fragrance from the flowers filled the entire vicinity of my block. Very refreshing. As you walked out from the block, you would see children running and playing around the playground, perspiring continuously. Continue strolling down, we have a very tense atmosphere as we see many tall and bulky teenagers running and dashing for a ball just to score. Cheering was heard from 20 metres away when seeing the ball successfully entering the hoop. Many people were mesmerized by the entire match, including me. Standing at an angle, I would always see a few little children, playing at a very small area with their own cute games, totally immersed in their games when all the sounds around are being ignored. How amazing!

Sound becomes more and more blurred as I walked away from the basketball court. Pin-dropped silence as I walked back into the lift......

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vivid childhood memory

Recalling my primary school life, it was filled with precious memories, some happy moments, and of course, sad moments too! One of the sad memories had influenced me deeply the person who I am now......

It was the day of the return of my maths CA1 results, I was expecting a very good result as always but my form teacher came in with a gloomy mood. Just as she walked in, she was shaking head miserably. I knew that the class had did badly in the test again...... I thought it would be the class, and not me, but when I got back my results, I was shocked totally. I got a 39/50. This has never happened in the 5 years of primary school life. I resisted my breakdown till the end of class. I ran to the toilet and sobbed sadly. Just at this point of time, my best friend came in and told me that life is never smooth sailing, when you have ups, you would definitely have downs, as long as you take your failures as lessons learnt, we would be able to succeed once again......

His sentence was remembered by me till now as this had affected my character, it has always remind me when I am in sad moments.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentines' Day

Valentines' Day is around corner, this is the day where many young couples or lovers enjoy the special moments that they could have. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards. On this day, many lovers would just enjoy their time together, undisturbed, on the streets, at home or even beside the beaches! Still remember that last year Valentines' Day, my family and I went out for dinner at Vivo city, I saw many couples and lovers dressed up nicely, sitting together, chit chatting happily with each other. Happiness were written all over their faces as I proceeded into a restaurant. As I sat down and wanted sightseeing, I saw lovers holding their partners' hand, smiling at each other as they stroll across the railings along the sea. How romantic!

Seeing all these lovers together made me very envious towards them. Not many people could find their the other half and be together for the rest of their lives. They are considered very fortunate as there are many break-up and divorce cases now. All these happens because they do not know their companion well or their characters could not match. If not, it means they do not treasure each other. Never missed this opportunity if you have as such opportunities only comes once, when you missed it, you regret forever. Therefore, treasure the loved ones that you have now and be grateful that you already have a companion together with you, and not be greedy and always think that you could have a better one. But always, people are like that, sees a better one and would just give up on the 'old' ones and go for the 'new' ones. I could not tolerate this type of attitude and behaviour!

Really wonders what would happen to me when I found a companion? Would I even find one? It all depends on fate......

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Scout's character

After our discussion, we find that Scout is a very intolerant person at first when she was still studying as she was very impatient towards her teacher in school. She cannot hear insults of her family members or she would become very angry ant start to throw tantrum. But after she met Boo Radley and been through a series of event involving him, her views started to change, partly because she became more mature as she grew up.

She started to realize that if one is willing to try to understand someone else who is different, it doesn't take much effort. Thus, her reference to simply standing rather than walking around; it just takes patience and desire.
Slowly, she had become more and more tolerant compared to her brother, Jem, who had been rash throughout the entire story. Influence of Boo Radley had brought Scout to have a calmer state of mind, which made her had a change of attitude towards everyone towards the end of the story. She did not have rash actions throughout the entire story, which shows that she had some tolerance but sometimes not controllable.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A scene of my favourite movie

*Unforgivable police (許されざる捜査官)
Distinct footsteps approaches under the soft shadow of the moonlight. Pitch darkness with a little light shone through the main door. Empty barrels laid along the way as he entered the pitch darkness. Slow drips of water heard as he ambled towards the inside. Scrap metals and machinery laid in a pile in front of him. Gusts of wind blew through the main entrance, bringing empty bottles and bottle caps tripped on the cold ground. A sound rang out from a device, hand clenched tighter on the gun, as he listened and responded to the sentences. Anger starting to build up on the entire isolated factory till gun shots rang through the pin-dropped silence that lasted for a second or two. Bang! Bang! Bang! Lights up after he was less tense.

LA draft 2

Hokkien in Singapore

“Excuse me; may I know where the toilet is?” Tommy said hurriedly, dragging his luggage bag as he proceeded out of the arrival hall.

“Turn to your right, sir, and you would see a sign board showing the direction you proceed foe the toilet” said politely by a businessman wearing formally, holding a bag with him.

“Thanks a lot!” smiled Tommy, dashing towards the signboard.

This is the first time Tommy has stepped onto Island Singapura. With his first impression by that polite and courteous businessman and his prior knowledge of Singapore by his colleagues, he find that Singapore is a very well-educated country and gives respect to everyone they meet, therefore, he hope to bring this trait back to his motherland, USA. But his image changed immediately after he stepped on the taxi.

“Ai ke to lo! (Where do you want to go?)” the taxi driver yelled.

“Excuse me, may I beg your pardon?” Tommy asked in a state of confusion.

“Where…you…want…to…go” blabbered the taxi driver in Singlish.

“I would like to go to Orchard Road…”mumbled Tommy.

“Onh…… Orchard Road, ho… (Good)”replied the taxi driver.

Tommy did not understand a single thing what the taxi driver was saying, and just prayed that he brought him to the correct place. Throughout the whole journey, the taxi driver was talking on the phone to his friend and did not bother about Tommy at all! Tommy sighed silently along the way to Orchard Road as the good impression that he had on Singapore was totally smashed into pieces. He quickly paid the fares and dashed out of the taxi, and entered a shopping centre that was bustling with life. Everyone inside was very polite and respect each other a lot, no signs of jumping or quarrel at all! His impression on Singapore recovered slightly as he thought maybe only a minority of Singaporeans was like that but he was shocked after he sat down in a hawker centre, bustling with crowds. After a nice and refreshing walk in the cooling shopping centre, he decided to go for lunch as he was dying of hunger after the long morning. Once he walked out of the shopping centre, he wondered around, looking for a bite, till he saw a lot of people gathering around that significantly bigger hawker centre than the others. He thought that the food there was better; therefore, he headed towards the hawker centre.

As he was strolling there, people just pushed him through without even apologizing! Once he entered the hawker centre, more unpleasant sight came flushing in. People sitting and dressing like gangsters, shouting at each other, coarse language rang throughout the whole hawker centre, people banging tables and kicking chairs. This sight made him feel nausea and he nearly fainted! The only thing that looks appealing to him was the food; it looks very savory and made him drool! He found a quieter spot in the hawker centre and sat down quietly.

Here comes an uncle wearing a pouch on his waist, “ai lim si mi? (What do you want to drink?) asked rudely.

“What are you talking? I do not understand!” Tommy said frustratingly.

“Whan lai si ang mo kian! (Oh, is an American!) the uncle shouted. The whole hawker was filled with laughter short after the uncle spoke.

“What… do… you….you… like… to drink…?” giggled the uncle.

“Erm can I have Coke?” Tommy said embarrassedly.

Tommy quickly ordered his food and ate rapidly, he gobbled nearly every mouth! As he was eating, everyone was like staring at him, giggling and making fun of him with a language he does not even understand. It made him so embarrassed that he felt like hiding at a deserted corner and not being found. Once he left the hawker centre, he was very disappointed with Singapore. “How can Singaporeans bully a foreigner like him with a language he does not know and being that rude to a customer? He told himself this is the last time I will step onto Singapore. Although Singapore might a very prosperous country, but with such citizens, it will definitely spoils Singapore’s image totally.” Tommy thought. Tommy’s anticipation for the next day of his business trip had vanished into thin air as he strolled hopelessly back to his hotel.

His next day in Singapore was totally amazing as it was totally “out of control”. He got out his slumber land by an abrupt sound of his alarm clock. After getting washed up, he had his sumptuous breakfast at the ground floor of the hotel. All waiters and waitresses were very polite and courteous in their actions and words. But that made no difference to his image on Singapore. As he left for his appointment with a big customer in Singapore, he was a little reluctant. He entered a majestic edifice and he was shocked. He could not expect Singaporeans to be such courteous people! Even the technologies were also very “courteous”. Little amazed as he entered a lift, a sweet voice spoke sounded the enclosed lift, “Which floor are you going? Who are you meeting?” “Erm… I am meeting Mr. Steven, manager of the trade and industry…” Tommy answered nervously. “Ok, sure, Mr. Steven is on 25th floor, the receptionist there would tell you more, have a nice day.” Shortly after this sentence, the lift started moving up gradually till 25th floor. As he headed towards the reception counter, the receptionist smiled, “You must be Mr. Tommy, and Mr. Steven has been waiting for your arrival, this way please.” His negotiations with Mr. Steven had come to a perfect ending where both sides were delighted on the terms and conditions. As he left the building, he told himself, Singapore was not so bad after all.

When returning to hotel, he changed his views on Singapore once again. This time was final. Although Singapore had some people that are not courteous and polite mainly due to the people they mixed around with but majority of the Singaporeans were polite and courteous as the technologies were already that courteous! Singaporeans even programmed the lift to be courteous, how can people be not courteous when their facilities are? Tommy decided to take back his words and come over to Singapore more frequently to learn and adapt to Singapore’s culture. He flew back U.S.A with a wonderful impression of Singapore.

Done By: Shie Yu Hao