Monday, February 7, 2011

My favourite character in To Kill a Mockingbird

In To Kill a Mockingbird, I like Boo Radley the best. At the start, he is a mysterious man which created a suspicious mood for all readers to make us wanting to read on what are his actions that followed one after one. Jem and Scout became very curious about him and started finding out more about him through the tree hole. And in 1 fire hazard, Boo Radley mysteriously put on a jacket on Scout when everyone did not know it. This action shows that he would save people when they are in trouble. In the last part, Boo Radley saved both of them from the Ewells family and he got injured! Not everyone is able to possess such spirit, and because of these actions, he became a hero in the story. His attitude and bravery is what like I liked most! :)

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