Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vivid childhood memory

Recalling my primary school life, it was filled with precious memories, some happy moments, and of course, sad moments too! One of the sad memories had influenced me deeply the person who I am now......

It was the day of the return of my maths CA1 results, I was expecting a very good result as always but my form teacher came in with a gloomy mood. Just as she walked in, she was shaking head miserably. I knew that the class had did badly in the test again...... I thought it would be the class, and not me, but when I got back my results, I was shocked totally. I got a 39/50. This has never happened in the 5 years of primary school life. I resisted my breakdown till the end of class. I ran to the toilet and sobbed sadly. Just at this point of time, my best friend came in and told me that life is never smooth sailing, when you have ups, you would definitely have downs, as long as you take your failures as lessons learnt, we would be able to succeed once again......

His sentence was remembered by me till now as this had affected my character, it has always remind me when I am in sad moments.

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