Thursday, February 10, 2011

Scout's character

After our discussion, we find that Scout is a very intolerant person at first when she was still studying as she was very impatient towards her teacher in school. She cannot hear insults of her family members or she would become very angry ant start to throw tantrum. But after she met Boo Radley and been through a series of event involving him, her views started to change, partly because she became more mature as she grew up.

She started to realize that if one is willing to try to understand someone else who is different, it doesn't take much effort. Thus, her reference to simply standing rather than walking around; it just takes patience and desire.
Slowly, she had become more and more tolerant compared to her brother, Jem, who had been rash throughout the entire story. Influence of Boo Radley had brought Scout to have a calmer state of mind, which made her had a change of attitude towards everyone towards the end of the story. She did not have rash actions throughout the entire story, which shows that she had some tolerance but sometimes not controllable.

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