Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentines' Day

Valentines' Day is around corner, this is the day where many young couples or lovers enjoy the special moments that they could have. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards. On this day, many lovers would just enjoy their time together, undisturbed, on the streets, at home or even beside the beaches! Still remember that last year Valentines' Day, my family and I went out for dinner at Vivo city, I saw many couples and lovers dressed up nicely, sitting together, chit chatting happily with each other. Happiness were written all over their faces as I proceeded into a restaurant. As I sat down and wanted sightseeing, I saw lovers holding their partners' hand, smiling at each other as they stroll across the railings along the sea. How romantic!

Seeing all these lovers together made me very envious towards them. Not many people could find their the other half and be together for the rest of their lives. They are considered very fortunate as there are many break-up and divorce cases now. All these happens because they do not know their companion well or their characters could not match. If not, it means they do not treasure each other. Never missed this opportunity if you have as such opportunities only comes once, when you missed it, you regret forever. Therefore, treasure the loved ones that you have now and be grateful that you already have a companion together with you, and not be greedy and always think that you could have a better one. But always, people are like that, sees a better one and would just give up on the 'old' ones and go for the 'new' ones. I could not tolerate this type of attitude and behaviour!

Really wonders what would happen to me when I found a companion? Would I even find one? It all depends on fate......

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