Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm afraid......

It is test week now! Although preparation was did for all my test now, but I think the results are not as good as expected. Just take my Science test as an example, when I did finish the test, I was very confident that I could get a very high score, but when I double check with my friends, I made lots of careless mistakes! Every bit of mark was gone just because I did not see and remember my notes clearly. I seriously hate myself for not being more careful in the test, furthermore, this is only my 1st test in this entire week.

I have lost all my confidence in other tests now after knowing that my Science test is no as good. Wonder how would I do for the next 4 tests in this week after losing confidence now...... Feeling demoralized, I have no mood to revise for all the other tests already, I am seriously very scared for all the upcoming tests, worried that I will do very badly for them!

I'm afraid.......

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