Saturday, February 26, 2011

Addiction of Facebook

Many people are using this social network called Facebook and it is a quite efficient tool. We could communicate easily just like MSN and share things with friends 'publicly' but Facebook has a very bad impact on people, teenagers especially now. I, myself, have seen most of my classmates addicted to Facebook, either gaming or chatting which caused their results to drop tremendously. I believe gaming contributed most to the dropped of results. Me myself is also using Facebook but there must a time when you need to draw a line. We need to have some restraints to it such as do not use Facebook more than an hour, try not to use Facebook when exams is around the corner etc.

These constraints would help if you do on a constant basis as you would start to get 'further and further away' from Facebook, which is actually a very good thing. It could help you to boost your grades as you would have more time doing purposeful stuff than gaming or chatting on Facebook. Like me, I try not to play many games on Facebook as I know that I would get addicted easily,so, I play 1 or 2 games on Facebook and stopped.

Many of my friends could not do that as they are very easily influenced by the friends among them. Once they hear that this particular game is nice, they would just like to try it, and then get addicted to it. They will start to play the whole day as they tried to overtake each other in rank, or try to defeat each other. I just wonder why they cannot have such a competitive mind-set when it comes to academic?

Therefore, I feel that Facebook actually does more harm than good though it is a very good networking tool. Frankly speaking, I also used Facebook everyday since I entered this school, but the keyword is... CONTROL...


  1. I agree with you that many teenagers are addicted to Facebook. Nowadays, the moment teeagers turn on their computers, the first thing most will do is to log into facebook. Teenagers with iPhone will also attempt to play the games on facebook in school.

    In such cases, facebook no longer is applicable to the time at home, but also in school. Morever, now that some schools had introduce the usage of laptop in school, creating more chances for teenagers to use facebook in school.

    There are also other effects apart from the addiction. I feel that because facebook is too good a networking tool and everything was made very "publicly" , hence giving more opportunities for teenagers to communicate with total strangers. This can be really dangerous as teenagers may be influenced if they were to 'add' a bad company on facebook.

    However, I think that you have mentioned too much of the cons of facebook. I think that facebook is used more widely as a networking tool rather than a platform for gaming.

    Facebook is an extremely efficient tool to convey messages and could be used by both the teachers and the students. The teachers can assign assignments on facebook group, or the students can post questions to the teacher. Using facebook, you do not need both parties to be online, and could also be used in group studying as it can promote the conversation of many in a systematic way through the "response" tab.

    So, whether to use facebook in an appropriate way is definitely up to the teenagers and the fault does not lies in facebook. So... ya, the keyword is "Control".

  2. I totally agree with what you had said. I think using facebook is not actually very bad but just like you said, the keyword is control. If you cannot control and if the first thing you do when you on your computer every time is to go to facebook to either play or to chat(about nonsense or games), you know you have crossed the line.
    I used to be a facebook addict. Every time when I login to facebook, I would usually spend a few precious hours to play the games, but since the end of year test came and I did not facebook for a few days and after that, I actually felt that the game that I usually play was a complete was of time and I regretted spending so much time on that game. So like you said if we do not use facebook for a period of time, you will find that you get'further and further away' from Facebook. So to all facebook addicts out there, you might want to try this method out!
    In all, I felt that what you said was very through and I hope that all facebook addicts who read your blog post will learn how to "CONTROL".
