Thursday, January 27, 2011

Factors to led to my identity

There are many ways to have an identity. Race, the things you do, your characteristic, your personalities and many others significant things that you have left an big impression on other people. Identity of a person is what you need for people to recognize you, as for me, there are 2 factors that led to my identity. They are characteristics and race. I am always 2 sided feeling person? What does that mean? It means that I am very serious when I am doing work but very relax, playful and have fun when I am relaxing or playing. As for race, I feel very proud as a Chinese and that's why I am in a Chinese school. The Chinese values that my parents inculcate into my sister and I are very valuable and meaningful. They are able to guide us through life and making us know what is life. Although life may be classified under philosophy, but Chinese values and culture has explained some of it. Therefore, I hope that Chinese values and culture could be passed on to many other generations.
The two sided coin represents my characteristics, Confucius represents Chinese values while Chinese New Year represents Chinese culture.

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