Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What are my learning goals for this year in Language Arts

Well, I did quite fine for last year's LA EOY as I got a nice A2 for the overall results. But frankly speaking, i am not quite happy with my results, as all my individual components for LA I just got a very lucky A2, and not a confirm one. What do I mean? My Composition, Comprehension and Literature are all of borderline A2, which is highly unacceptable for me! Therefore, I need to improve everything in LA which is a very tedious job for just 1 year but I would try my best. The tip from my teacher to excel in LA is to read, but Sec 2 life is very tedious and tiring. All sorts of activities just come one by one! So, can I even find time to read? Probably not...... But what I can do now is to listen very attentively in class, at least getting the basics of every component in LA, then do further study during the Holidays. This my only hope of getting a A1 for LA this year, would I be able to get what I wanted? It all depends on me now........

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