Monday, January 31, 2011

The significance of your chinese name

Well, my Chinese name is 史育豪, the meaning of this name is to educate me to become a hero in the past. But in modern days now, it means to educate me to become a very smart person to contribute to the society. Although it seems that it is very exaggerating, but actually we can do it. Now, I am in Hwa Chong already, this school will groom me to become a successful leader through lots of training along the way. Well, that is the meaning of 育. Therefore, after going through all these trainings, I will be able to be a leader that will lead Singapore in this case, to soar for greater heights, and will the a person that everyone will remember and respect me for the left of their life. That is the meaning of 豪.

In conclusion, my name was came up by a geomancer so that I would be able to contribute to the society, and make my parents be the educator of this successful leader in the future.

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