Thursday, January 27, 2011

Responsibility of Margot's treatment

I feel that the boy who asked her to get away from the window panes as he was the one who suggested to put her in the closet. But actually, all the children are responsible as they agreed to locked her up in the closet and helped him to execute this entire plan.

I would be the one stopping them from being so cruel to Margot. I would tell them about what Margot's have been through and hope that they would understand how much she anticipated for this day to come but if they insist in locking her in the closet, I would definitely fight with them. If I can't win them, I shall pull Margot along and escape from them and bring her to somewhere safe. If I have still have time, I would explain to her that what she has been doing was wrong, she should not keep everything to herself and must share with people. I would guide her to make friends with those children and all misunderstandings would be resolve. This would lead to a perfect and beautiful ending with everyone's relationship being very close and difficult to part. They would have the spirit of ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!

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