Thursday, January 13, 2011

People unkind to me in a group

2. Have you ever been part of a group of people who were unkind to one or some individuals? What was the circumstance? How did you act? What did you feel?

This situation happened when I was in primary school, I still remember it was a December holidays, I was participating in a competition, working with few of my friends and seniors. The first day I went into the lab, my seniors did not even cared about my friend and I and just started doing their work on the competition. My friend and I just sit beside them and looked at that them doing their work. When I decided to give a little suggestion to improve on the mechanism, they just did not bother me and screamed at me,"Go away!" At that point of time, I left them sadly and went to the other side of the lab and did my own work, heartbroken and sad. I was thinking how can they be so bad towards me? How can they be so harsh against me? I almost broke down when my friend came over and said,"never mind, they will know it sooner or later that we play an important role in the group......"

Well, my sad story ended here, guess the ending! My seniors actually got scolded by my teacher in-charge and my seniors came to me personally and said sorry...... I just forgive them and we worked together even better to complete the entire mission and nearly emerged and champion!

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