Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reflective explanation on a poem

Soft and gentle without a cause,
running towards a light that moves
Where to go after a pain like this and what to do
It’s hard to say the right thing at the right time
when all you want to do is express who you are.
Pain, sorrow and anger is all words create sometimes.
How do you know when to say a word or keep your mouth shut?

Kind words are less spoken in these times and
more and more people are hurt by it than actions
It dries a heart that was ones filled with love for others
and now where does it lead -
To dust and dust alone;

Caring has been put aside and
anger and deceit has risen instead
why does this occur in such a violent way
It opens doors that should have been kept shut
and closes doors that should be open;

One brick at a time they say
In the end the wall around you will be finished
and you’ll be safe from the world outside
Now the choice is, who to let in and who to keep out
So many people so little trust;

Open eyes closed mouth.
All you see is a fading life,
from colour to grey and grey to black
Slowly but surely life will seize to exist and
home is where I’m headed and
no one can stop it;

What is words if there is no meaning.
Words from the heart is better said
than words without a heart;

I find this poem very meaningful as it brings out what is the gist of life. Life is not always smooth sailing and along the way, you will definitely meet a lot of difficulties and obstacles down the road which make me feel to give up on what is on this world. Sometimes, I look at my parents working so hard, from day to night, trying to give us a nice and comfortable living at home but I have never known that how much must they suffer as a subordinate when they work. What I know how to do is to sit at home and think that money is very easy to earn, but I am wrong, totally wrong! I cannot imagine how much harsh words they will have to take to just earn that $3000. This poem made me think and reflect on my parents and life itself and try to understand the hardship my parents faced. What I can do now, is to lighten my parents' burden to not give them many problems.

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