Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thoughts on Cloony the clown by Shel Silverstein

Well, this poem is very meaningful for me as this poem conveyed some harsh realities that we, human, would need to face after all. For the first half of the poem, it is talking about Cloony doing all sort of actions that could not make the audience laugh therefore, he cannot earn a single cent! But relate this situation back to reality and indeed, not everything we do could succeed even if a lot of effort is put into what you have done just like Cloony the clown. This is a harsh fact to accept when you seriously put in so much heart and soul in this work and many people will become very disappointed and depressed from this situation. But this failure is what you need to face and we will definitely need to stand up again and continue our life. As for the 2nd part of the poem, after Cloony told his own story to the audience, they laugh instead of cry. This tells me that not everyone in the world would pity what you have gone through and they would just laugh and hurt you even more! At that point of time, you will feel very down, sometimes even thinking that living on this world is of no purpose but what I want to tell you, never have such a mentality! You can be down for a while but the most important is to stand up again and show them that you CAN make it! Prove it to those who laugh and mock at you!

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