Sunday, January 16, 2011

My favourite book

Through this 13 years of life, I read many and countless books but out of all, I like 1 book, which is "It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse!" by Geronimo Stilton. Recalling that night was Halloween's eve, I was holding that book and reading it till midnight. It is the best atmosphere to read that book! Furthermore, there are interesting words and phrase inside this book and humorous events come up one after another! It made me finish the whole in just 1 night. In addition, the book still taught me how to design stuffs for Halloween! Therefore, I loved this book a lot! Well, but that was like 4-5 years ago, till now, I still haven't came across any books that is as filling as this but I would carry on searching, probably, in the next few years, I can come across this type of book again......

The link:

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