Monday, January 10, 2011

First day of LA lesson in 2011

Well, it is a brand new year to start with LA again! Excited? A little, perhaps, as I get to go through the wonderful adventures in Literature. The only thing I do not like is the assessments on LA. It is going to BURNED out all my BRAIN CELLS and drained away all my marks as it actually happened to me last year. But I will never let history repeat itself again, this year, I am aiming and work hard to get exempted from LA, which is near impossible, but it is worth a try. This mean that I have to get an average of 75 marks for all 3 terms and this 1st term is on Comprehension. It is not actually the killing part of LA for me, therefore, I shall try and make this term a nice A1 as I never know what is down the road throughout the whole year. This is my 1st target, will I be able to make it? Hmm..... probably I'm able to make it and I hope that I make it! If not, there goes my exemption for LA!!! Even if I do score an A1 this term, I must continue the spirit and hard work so that it would be a difficult but worthy year that I shall go through.

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