Sunday, January 30, 2011

Favourite memories of Chinese New Year

I think the best Chinese New Year I been through must be 2 years ago when I was in Primary school. I remembered everything was nicely set up, the whole was full of redness and glittering with gold. The celebration was even better! We have the dances from Chinese Dance and Malay Dance, we have teachers leading us singing the Chinese New Year songs, when all of us sang our hearts out and last but not least, we have teachers performing a dance from SNSD! The name of the song was "Gee" and they dance so cutely! This is the best part when all the teachers dressed like high school students, dancing and singing together on stage. All the students were cheering at the same time, mesmerized by the performance by my teachers, including me! Although this is a short 1 hour performance, it warms all of our heart with just 1 little memory of Chinese New Year, while this is 1 of my most memorable memory I had with the school, with all my friends.

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